Our core partners are:
National Trust – A UK conservation charity, protecting historic places and green spaces, and opening them up forever, for everyone. National Trust lead the programme and are the major funder at present.
Lake District National Park Authority – Looks after this unique corner of England, encouraging people to enjoy and understand its beauty and helping those who live and work here contribute to costs and provide advice and workers for practical work for Fix the Fells.
Natural England– To ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.” (Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006). Natural England offer funding for particular projects and work with us to ensure we protect our unique ecology.
Lake District Foundation – Promoting sustainable tourism and conservation through practical action and sponsorship. The Lake District Foundation support our fundraising, particularly in the field of visitor giving.
Friends of the Lake District – Dedicated to protecting Cumbria’s landscape for the future. FoLD support our fundraising, communications and we work with them on “Fell Care Days”
Volunteers – giving their time, skills and expertise to help with the practical work, communication, fundraising and policy decisions
These partners form the Fix the Fells Partnership Board and set the direction for Fix the Fells.